Friday, February 28, 2025

KenTon board meeting re: keeping IB DP at KenWest - Tuesday, March 3 - NOW AT 5 pm

IB DP students at City Honors are invited by students at KenWest to attend the KenTon School Board meeting on Tuesday, March 3rd at 5 pm at the Kenmore Junior Senior High School building (155 Delaware Rd., Kenmore).

 The students at Kenmore West are looking for your support in appealing to the board to reverse the decision to end the IB Diploma Program at their school. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Volunteers Needed - Meat Raffle - Our City Action - November 1st



Volunteers are needed to help sell raffle tickets. The event begins at 6 pm. Volunteers would need to arrive by 5:45 pm. 

 Text Harper at (716) 783-0392 or email him at to volunteer!


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

City Honors Admissions Testing & Open House - volunteers needed!

Admissions testing will be taking place at City Honors this year. Testing will take place the mornings of October 19th, November 2nd, and November 23rd.

Here is the link to sign up:

From Mrs. Hannah:

The City Honors/Olmsted Admissions test sessions will be held at City Honors School on Saturday, October 19, November 2, and November 23, 2024 from 7:45 AM-11:15 AM.  

Our Open House will be held on Saturday, October 26,  2024 from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM.  Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 are eligible to sign up. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Advice about the IB DP from a recent graduate

A Quick Note About Me:


My name is James Halt. I am an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma recipient. I recently graduated from City Honors School in 2024 and am now a first-year student in college.

The purpose of this mini-article is to share with you, the current Juniors and Seniors in the IB Diploma Program at City Honors, as well as future IB Diploma students, how I found immense value in the IB Diploma Program. In addition to how the program has helped me tremendously so far into my time in college.


The IB Diploma Program helped me join clubs and discover new areas of interest in college.


Initially, you may not think that the IB Diploma Program, a program focused mainly on academics, would help someone join clubs but in my experience it does. Thanks to the program's requirement for Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) I was encouraged to explore a wide range of activities, many of which I had little experience with. Joining a wide variety of clubs and learning about a variety of different topics in high school for CAS broadened my perspective on life and helped me to discover activities I now enjoy. Joining an array of clubs was something that I knew I wanted to carry over into college. Without being in the IB Diploma Program and having to fulfill CAS I am sure I would never have joined so many clubs and tried so many different experiences.


The IB Diploma Program helped improve my research and organizational skills.


Working on the IB Diploma’s required internal assessments (IAs) and Extended Essay should be seen as opportunities to improve independent research skills. Through my experience in college so far I have found these skills necessary as in many college courses you must self-study to learn the material. Thanks to the IB Diploma Program I have been prepared for these courses. Students in the IB Diploma Program are better prepared for college lectures thanks to self-study opportunities like the Extended Essay and the internal assessments.


The IB Diploma Program has helped me better myself by pushing me to engage in new activities for CAS and by requiring me to learn more about the topics I selected for the internal assessments (IA’s) and the Extended Essay. The IB Diploma Program holds values that should not be taken for granted.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Apiary Club - first meeting - September 24th from 3 - 4:30 pm

 Join Apiary club! New members welcome!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

FruitBelt Coalition needs help this Saturday (March 23rd)!

 Please see the flyer for information. If you can help, join the Student Council Remind group at @9gchf7 and/or message Mr. Sharratt there or on Schoology to let him know you are coming. 


Elmwood Village - Pre-Eclipse Clean Up - April 4th

Join the Elmwood Village Association for the Pre-Eclipse TRASH BASH on April 4.
They are organizing a community clean-up to make Elmwood shine brighter than the ECLIPSE itself. 
Swing by Thin Ice on April 4 in between 11- 7 PM to grab a trash bag and gloves.

RSVP here!