Tuesday, December 18, 2007

FYI for Extended Essays

Seniors: The following is a repeat of what I have told you in class. Two clean copies need to be turned in to me (not your advisor) by the end of the day on Friday, December 21. You should indicate your advisor with a sticky note or by writing it in light pencil on the paper. The two papers should be paper clipped together.

The following is an email I sent out to all advisors:

Good afternoon,

Students will be turning their Extended Essays in to me by the end of the day on Friday, December 21, 2007. They will be turning in two clean copies.

After the break, you will be receiving the grading criteria and papers from me so you can provide your predicted grade and comments for the paper(s) you supervised.

Students should NOT be bringing you another copy of their paper. Your job up until now was to review the paper once and give meaningful comments to the students. If they turned in a lousy paper the first time, it's not your job to re-read it. You can choose to read it again, but it is your choice.

Thanks again for all of your support and assistance regarding the Extended Essays.

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